Shanna has inspired me to sign off of Fbook and update my blog. I don't have a subject, so this will end up as a rambling of my life since my last post. I completely understand if you get bored and stop reading right about now!
In case you are wondering, yes, my last post is still true. I am still fat. However that does not define me, so I will tell you about the rest of my life. I guess it has been a busy couple of months. Jason and I went to Ireland and Amsterdam with Rob and Amy and had a blast. We planned the trip forever ago, and I can't believe it has come and gone. I truly believe that after drinking my way through Ireland, I am ruined for Utah beer. It truly tastes like water after enjoying 8 to 10 percent alcohol. It probably doesn't help that all I drank in Ireland was yummy, creamy Nitro beers like Guiness and Smithwicks (mmmm Smithwicks) the entire time. Off to Amsterdam, the original sin city that makes Vegas look TAME! We indulged in all that the Dam had to offer (no we didn't get prostitutes), the red light district, the green light district within the red light district. Some truly fucked up shit goes on in that town, all under the watchful eye of the authorities. I did learn that pot is not actually legal in Amsterdam, simply tolerated. Also, much to my dismay, all but one type of mushroom has been banned.
When we got home, my sister went into labor with her third daughter, Bailey Shea Madsen. Oh my gosh, so cute! I truly believe that I have the cutest and best nieces and nephews ever. Bailey is such a little angel, and her sisters love her so much! I had told Shelley that I would be mad if she had her while I was on vacation, and luckily she waited. She was supposed to be induced on April 7, but she went into labor on the first (Jersey's birthday, and no, we don't celebrate!). Shell refused to have her on the first, so Bailey cooperated by making the labor difficult, finally showing up at 4 am on the second.
The next weekend we flew to Vegas to witness the marriage of Josh and Hillary. They got engaged on their trip to Ireland in January, and wanted to elope. True to parental form, her dad wanted to walk down the isle, so they planned a small wedding. Hillary looked gorgeous and wore makeup for the first time since I have known her, and Josh looked like Josh in a suit. They also added a new child to their clan with the arrival of Lucile 2, a west highland terrier. She is so cute, but on occasion can look like a rodent. At just 6 pounds, she holds her own with Bosco and Macintosh. I hope Jersey likes her new dog cousin more than she likes Bosco!
hmmmm... what else can I bore you with? My job has been out of control busy, thus almost eliminating my online stalking, facebook and blogging time. I am not sure what is going on, but my boss has gone off her rocker is trying to get me to a senior specialist in record time. I guess that is what I get for telling her that I would rather be busy than bored. It did pay off, because I got recognized as MVP and they gave me $100. I was shocked but wasted no time spending the money on a new pair of Chucks and a pair of boots. I love shoes!