Friday, May 8, 2009

The continued adventures of Stacey Matheson

So, I don't know that I need to start every post with this, but for those of you that only see me online, yes, I am still fat!
I signed up for the Bay Area Bike to Work Day, and don't worry, I do know that I don't live in or anywhere near the Bay Area. I am a bit nervous about the whole prospect, but after nearly losing my life on the 201 yesterday and suffering through a traffic jam this morning, it is looking more enticing. My main concerns right now are how I am still going to make it to Rising Sun Coffee everymorning, because it is on 2100 S. and I will be on 1700 S., and will my coffee cup fit in holder where my water bottle will be? Then I drive around Sugarhouse and see guys riding their bikes with a beer in one hand and I realize that I should be fine. Plus, it may get me off of my coffee habit and I can learn how to deal with mornings without the stimulant of caffiene. I just feel sorry for the girls at work while I am coming off of that addiction. Most imporantly (I know, you thought the caffiene would be the most important)I think I am nervous about the fact that I may actually have to follow through with something in my life, but that is a topic more suited for my therapist than my blog.
Hmm, I will let you know how it goes. Hopefully it will become at least a once a week thing and I can save all of those carbon emissions that I emit each day. Biking to work plus running on my lunch break will make for one stinky cubicle. I better talk to my mom about a Scentsy air freshener. Yikes.