Thursday, November 20, 2008

How I spent my summer vacation

I am back to the real world, reluctantly!
I spend my time off either drunk, hungover (not really, i didn't get sick once) or painting. Strange combo, I know!

Amy, Heather and I took a girls trip to Viva Las Vegas this past weekend, and boy was it a fun way to realize how old you really are! Thursday night when we got in, we tried our hand at a $3 dollar Black Jack table. I gave the casino $15 and they kept the drinks coming. I was playing with $100 limit for myself, and only lost $15, pretty good! We then ventured to a club that was fun the last time we were there, but was EMPTY when we got there. Luckily they didn't charge us a cover, because we were 3 of maybe 15 people in the whole place. The music was good, and we were feeling great, so we stayed and danced.

The next night we went to THE Mix at THE Hotel at Mandalay Bay, AWESOME club. We had such a good time and were the only girls there w/o skirts up to our who-ha's, so we were a little overdressed! Amy told the cab driver that there was a Denny's by our hotel, but no, there wasn't. He was nice enough to introduce us to the $1.49 breakfast at WILD WILD WEST that was by our hotel, and is now our new fav spot to eat. Not quite sure if we would eat there sober, but that is beside the point!

Saturday night was the reason for the trip, the Alanis Morisette concert at Hard Rock. Before going to find our seats, we purchased some juice at the sundries shop. Amy has a knack for eaves dropping, and one of her top 5 talents (long story) is talking to people, so she chatted up the guys at the table next to us and scored us a spot on the list to the afterparty.
The concert was great despite the fact that there were a lot of olds there, and one girl told me to sit down, oh, and I almost went into the mens room on accident.
The afterparty was at "Wasted Space" and Everlast played. Very fun, no cover cause we were on the list (I could get used to being hooked up!) and cute go-go dancers. The best part about the club is that the bathroom is a unisex so the guys had to wait in line with the gals, AWESOME! They were all pissed about it, but oh well!

So enough about Vegas, you have all been there, you understand. Somehow, I had the bright idea in my head that for the rest of my time off, I would paint the kitchen and back stair area. I still don't know why I did it when I have a DVR full of shows and a couched that missed by butt, but I did. When Jason finally got home from work on Tuesday, he actually said "you painted in here?". I could have killed him! So on Wednesday, I left the hard to reach spot for him to paint so he was sure that some painting went on. Does he really think I got a "fresh paint" Scentsy sent from mom just to fool him? Wait, that isn't a bad idea!

And BLAH, BLAH, BLAH I will stop blabbing now!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Thank you Keith Olbermann

I think he managed so say this more eloquently than anyone else has, give it a listen.

Friday, November 7, 2008


Why was I not at Dodgers Stadium last night to see the Madonna concert? She had Brittany Spears and Justin Timberlake on stage with her. That concert is worth it's weight in gold! With my luck, I would have purchased tickets to the Vegas show instead and then after hearing the news of the LA show, demanded my money back. Don't get me wrong, I would LOVE to see Madonna, but if it can be coupled with JT, it would be sooooo much better. I love me some JT!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I am still alive!

Ok, so I know I haven't posted in a while, and that point was well taken when even Amy commented on it. This is a girl that has a blog, that she has updated about 5 times total, and then tells me she has a new blog, but won't give me the address yet. I think that means she hasn't posted anything to it, and she doesn't want me to say anything! Oh well, she is forgiven as she has a house to unpack and a DVR full of awesome TV!
I have posted our Halloween Pics on my #1 sight, they are super cute, and you can tell how much we all had to drink that night as the pics progress. Enjoy!
And yes, I am elated that Obama is our president elect as I don't think I could stand to hear John McCain lisp through 4 years. I will say that I am a little sad that the campaign process has ended, as the SNL skits of stupid Sara Palin provided much needed comic releif. I also found it quite interesting as I was blog stalking who believes what, and how they came to that conclusion. I read a blog that stated that Obama was a "baby killer". REALLY? Just because someone is for allowing a woman to make choices that directly impact her body does not make you a baby killer. Okay, I will stop as I could go on and on. Oh wait, one more thing ... congratulations to the LDS church as your mass amounts of money and your stupid telephone campaign worked, gays can't marry. It is really too bad that so many of you feel that just because your husband or wife would have had the opportunity to marry a person of the same sex that they wanted to. I think the divorce rate being at 50% is a much larger threat to the "sanctity" of my marriage than people that love each other being allowed the same rights as the rest of us. How do you not see this as discrimination? Or perhaps you do, and don't care. Open your eyes.
I haven't posted recently because work has been SUPER busy. I have worked here for 6 months and haven't had this much work to do. Don't get me wrong, I like it, but it hasn't left me with nearly enough time to persue my new internet passion! They did just install a fresh popcorn maker, so I am off to eat some!