Tuesday, June 30, 2009

On Saturday Casey and I had a no-bake cookie cook off. The receipe I used was a hand down from Roberts family, so I like to think of it as the "Official Matheson Recipe", and Casey used her sisters secret recipe. The result of the cook off was that everyone has their own preference, so I will pronounce it a tie. (The pic associated is the one that looks like piles of poo! My cookies are the ones closest to the camera.)

Sunday took us to the Arts Festival. Jason has decided he is over it, so it may be our last year at the Arts Festival. We will see!

Friday, June 26, 2009

What's eating gilbert grape?

The grapes in my backyard have begun taking over again. They grow along the back fence to cover the concrete wall put up by the church to keep us heathens out. They also grow along some system of poles and wire along the sides of our patio.
Jason and I don't use the grapes, however in the past my neighbor has come over without permission and taken some to make his own grape juice, and a co-workers husband came to collect them to make his own wine. I have 3 bottles of wine made from my own grapes. It is discusting becasue it was their first attempt ever, but very cool to have.
I wonder if SVB Wine Division will finance my backyard winery ...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Your a hard habit to break

I thought last week that I had pretty much kicked the coke habit and replaced it with sugar free lemon-aid, looks like that is not the case. The cravings are back with a vengance and besides, no one likes a quitter!!
By the way, the Coke at the West Valley Five Guys Burgers and Fries is REALLY good!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Picture a day

Jana turned me on to the idea of taking one picture a day. I like the idea because it might actually get me to blog again, but I won't lie, it might not!

Todays picture is of my favoriate coffee joint, Rising Sun. I discovered this great coffee shack many years ago while working with Hilary at Maggie. We were on a hunt for a good frozen coffee that was also close to work. We found the Frozen Planet Utah at Rising Sun to fit the bill perfectly. Many mornings we would take our 15 min break (it actually took about 20) to go visit Tansu and get some yummy coffee. Now that I no longer work at Maggie, I still visit the shack alost every day on my way to work for a non-fat vanilla latte. My ususal barista has been missing for a few days, but Tansu is getting better at perfecting the yummy latte that she makes for me.

I figured my daily visits to this place warranted a picture in the Picture a Day.