Friday, August 29, 2008

Random stuff you don't care about

Ok, so yesterday when I was busy finding old "friends" blogs, I came across this, and thought I liked it. I don't like it so much now that I have to answer the questions for myself, but we will see how it goes!
10 Years Ago: I was working at First Security Capital Markets, attending massage school and weighed about 30 pounds less.
5 Years Ago: I was working at Maggie Sottero, but looking for another job!
5 Months Ago: Still working at Maggie, and actually looking for another job! Ugh, I also turned 30 then, and had more friends than I do now (people change).
5 Things I am doing tomorrow: Jackson Hole Arts Festival, Eating, supporting Josh on his 100 mile run, and hopefully get in some Felicity watching time.
5 Places I have lived: WVC, WVC, South Salt Lake, WVC and Sugarhouse. (I have only ever lived in 4 houses!)
5 Bad Habits: picking (if you don't know, don't ask), trash TV, procrastinating, cursing and most recently cyber stalking
5 Things People may not know: Kim Taylor pierced my belly button in high school with an ice cube and needle. I want a tatoo, but think they are too common now. I wear a magnent bracelet to help with my shoulder pain (not helping right now!) I change my underwear two times a day!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Was my memo lost in the mail?

So my facebook fear is starting to come to fruition! I got a friend request from Kim Taylor and I figured it would be rude to not accept, so now I have access to her personal life as well. There was a link to her blog, and once on her blog I was able to stalk many, many people that I once knew. A common theme on each blog was begining to surface... EVERYONE has kids.

Now I remember from my religious days the "multiply and replenish the earth" memo that was sent out, but I guess I didnt' think as many people actually followed that to the letter. Seriously, everyone has at least 2 kids if not more. I do realize that the 10 years Jason and I have been married is enough time to have produced some offspring, and I also know that if Jersey was a child we would have a 7 year old girl (instead of a 49 year old!), but wow! I guess I have been kept in my bubble of the simple life for so long, where Melissa and Aaron are the only couple in my group of friends that have kids besides Shelley and Jim of course (but even they only have 2) that I never realized how different my life could be.

Lucky for me, my husband has a very set theory that there are way more people in the world than we have the resources to support, so he refuses to have kids. As for me, kids scare me to death. So our life and love goes to the dogs!

When your helping your happy

So I had my official orientation at the Humane Society of Utah to become a volunteer. I am pretty excited, though it is mixed with nerves. Basically I can go whenever I want (as long as I work 8 hours a month), and do a variety of jobs/chores. I know it will be a hard thing to do, seeing so many cute babies without homes, but I believe it will also be very rewarding. I hear that people that volunteer their time to help others are happier, I will let you know!

There was a boy there (he was probably about 10) with his mom, and he seemed really excited as he was filling out the application. Then, as we were taking the tour of the place, his excitement seemed to diminish. In the area where the large dogs are kenneled (pretty sure that is where my time will be spent) it smells like shit! Literally! He was so disgusted that he walked through with his shirt over his nose and mouth. I guess I won't be seeing him too much!

They gave each volunteer a packet that explains the jobs that need to be done to keep the place running on a daily basis. Also in the packet were tips for recognizing when a cat is about to attack you, how to read their mood based on the position of their tails, and such. there was another one for dogs, but because dogs are so much more expressive (with their ears, teeth, growl, bark and tail) it was pretty self explanatory. They gave us quite a lot of informaiton, and I think I am actually more prepared to do that job after an hour than I am to do my real job... but that is another story for another day.

Monday, August 25, 2008

12 Years is not long enough

So I decided to create this blog because I can edit it at work. Unfortunately I am unable to update my Mac blog from the comfort of my desk, and since work is where I have the most uninterrupted internet time, perhaps I will post more.

Last night I was at the Sheryl Crow concert with Melissa and she was talking to me about Facebook and all of the people she talks to on there. I don't know why I found this interesting, because I have had very little desire to talk to most of the people from my past, but I was curious. I of course had some downtime at work and my curiosity got the best of me; I created a FaceBook account. Like my myspace account, I don't have any intention of actually maintaining the page, but I wanted to look around. I am deeply afraid of this website. I was looking at the people that I know on there, and had a slight panic attack. I had this irrational fear that these people could all see that I was poking around looking at their pictures and their friends. Now I am stuck with a personal dilema. I don't know what to do. I have a long since forgotten desire to contact an old friend from WLJH, and there she was, staring back at me with a husband and a kid. I froze, then logged out of the site as quickly as possible.