Monday, August 25, 2008

12 Years is not long enough

So I decided to create this blog because I can edit it at work. Unfortunately I am unable to update my Mac blog from the comfort of my desk, and since work is where I have the most uninterrupted internet time, perhaps I will post more.

Last night I was at the Sheryl Crow concert with Melissa and she was talking to me about Facebook and all of the people she talks to on there. I don't know why I found this interesting, because I have had very little desire to talk to most of the people from my past, but I was curious. I of course had some downtime at work and my curiosity got the best of me; I created a FaceBook account. Like my myspace account, I don't have any intention of actually maintaining the page, but I wanted to look around. I am deeply afraid of this website. I was looking at the people that I know on there, and had a slight panic attack. I had this irrational fear that these people could all see that I was poking around looking at their pictures and their friends. Now I am stuck with a personal dilema. I don't know what to do. I have a long since forgotten desire to contact an old friend from WLJH, and there she was, staring back at me with a husband and a kid. I froze, then logged out of the site as quickly as possible.


Chau Hercules said...

I love how you, Melissa, and Becca are all keeping blogs. This way I can stalk you and try to be like you. Kind of like that girl you saw on Facebook who was fatally attracted to you. Wasn't her name Jen?

Stacey Matheson said...

I know, it is the only way I can pretend taht I am still a part of your and Beccas lives!
I can't believe you remember that it was Jen! Scary!

Amy said...

I love that you are an internet stalker just like me. I'm watching you.....

Unknown said...

Jen! That makes me laugh! Do you remember "fat tongue"?

Chau Hercules said...

Who's "Fat Tongue?" I think that is a porn stars name or possibly my street name in college.

Stacey Matheson said...

no Moe, I have no idea what "fat tongue" is, but I am with Chau, sounds dirty!

Downhilldiva said...

Yeah! Thanks for getting (another) blog. I'll check it all the time. I like to use mine to piss people off. It seems to work well.