So I am not sure when it happened, but apparently I am not 21 anymore. Instead, I am old and am unable to recover from a fun weekend.
Friday night I headed out to Wendover with Hilary, her twin sisters and another friend. Once there we met up with more friends and I gambled/drank away $80 or so. So using that as a measure, I don't need to tell you that we had a really good time, but the night slipped away from us pretty quickly. At about 3:30 I was done drinking and thew up only to emerge from the bathroom with a hungry belly; eggs and toast are the only cure. We finally got to bed around 4:30 and I was in for the night. Hilary, on the other hand, went out to get some water around 7 and decided that more gambling was in order. I don't know how she does it!
On Saturday, I finally stepped into my house around 2:30pm to lay down for about an hour. Good thing I got up an showered when I did, because Amy and Rob came over at 4 for some pre-dinner drinks. We walked up to Fiddlers Elbow for dinner (seafood enchiladas are good!) and back to the house to finish off the Vodka. Luckily, I volunteered to be the DD because I don't know that my body could have taken in any more alcohol. The evening found us at the Avalon for the Timbaland/Chris Cornell concert. Timbaland apparently has a rap CD out, but he only sang one song from it, the rest of the time he did other artists songs that he is featured on. Lets just point out that the contribution he made to the One Republic song
Apologize is the "EH" through out the song. Sorry, but you can't quite get away with playing the track just to add in your part Tim. He was pretty good regardless. Chris Cornell didn't do anything old, until his encore, but his new CD should be pretty good. He has a great voice, and isn't bad to look at, but you couldn't really hear his voice because the Avalon SUCKS! Once we left there, it was off to Freaky Dee's for some more eggs and toast.
Sunday, though I slept until 11:30 we still left the house. I would have rather stayed in bed and/or on the couch the whole day, but I didn't get my way! We met Rob and Amy and saw W. at the Century. The movie was OK, a little boring, and uncomfortable in the fact that Oliver Stone portrayed George W. as a human being who has daddy issues. I prefer to think of the current president as the idiot that he has shown the nation that he is, and not think that he has a life outside of his job. The movie left off at the end of his first term, and if you weren't already surprised that he was reelected for a second term, seeing it on the big screen will shock you! After that it was off to moms for dinner.
So again I ask, when did I get so old? This had the makings of a good weekend, instead I have to resort to napping on my breaks!