Monday, October 27, 2008

Thanks a lot Moe!

Thanks to Melissa, I have been tagged to list 8 various things, so here goes:

8 Favoriate TV Shows:
-Gossip Girl
-Lipstick Jungle
-One Tree Hill
-Biggest Loser
-Americas Next Top Model
-Prison Break

8 Things I did yesterday:
-Got a facial
-Gave a massage
-Saw "The End of America"
-Ate at Einsteins
-Celebrated Caseys birthday at moms
-Watched everyone carve pumpkins and then Morgan voted on the best (J won!)
-Got a Big Gulp
-Attempted to tour downtown condos

8 Things I look forward to
-Finding out the sex of Shelley's baby (tomorrow!)
-Shelley having her baby
-Trip to Vegas to see Alanis
-The Ray LaMontagne concert tomorrow
-Getting skinny
-St. Pattys day in Ireland

8 Favoriate Restaraunts
-Spag Fag
-The Paris Bistro
-Cuccina Toscana
-Au Naturale
-Any pizza place
-Pei Wei
-Training Table

8 Things on my wish list
-Early Retirement
-Size 6 jeans
-That March was closer
-Health for my loved ones
-That Jersey wouldn't die
-That my bathroom would clean itself!

8 People to tag

That is it, they are the only people that I think might do it!


Unknown said...

I can't wait to find out what Shelley is having!!!

Downhilldiva said...

The cycling world is now cursing you for this tag thing. Although there is a bunch that think they are "TFC" (too cool) to do it. Too funny!