Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Is everything OK?

So why is it that about once a month my mom thinks that there must be something wrong with either myself or Jason, or our marriage? You may think I am exaggerating, but no. I often get a strange call at night because my mom couldn't sleep the night before and she lay awake all night thinking that either Jason or I am packing our bags to leave. Shanna and I are the free spirits of the family that don't attend church on a regular basis, or at all for that matter (Though I think Shanna is a card carrying member to "The Church of the Big Ring")so obviously, our relationships can't be based on anything real, and therefore are subject to fall apart at any moment. I could be wrong, but I honestly don't believe Shelley or Shane have received such calls, but I will bet that Shanna gets the calls of concern too!

Sure enough, while braving the I-80 construction traffic on my way home from work, I get the call. "Is everything ok? Is Jason ok?" There was some worry because Jason chose to not attend the family Sunday dinner with me. Let me clue you in, he was tired and wanted to play video games, and I for one, am quite impressed that he has been in attendance every Sunday for 10 years now. My own brother can't even make that kind of commitment and it is his family, so lay off! This time, it wasn't just mom, it was Jim too. This one had me wondering, because Jim is the confidant that gets to hear all of the stories about what a horrible wife I am, and J had spent Saturday with him. Perhaps something is wrong and Jason is slowly packing his bags without my knowledge. I will have to check his closet for the mounds of shoes to decrease!


Downhilldiva said...

Yes, I have received the calls. Once I was in meetings all day and didn't answer my phone. Mom thought for sure that my ex BF had come home from Iraq and killed me.

Yes, I am quite devoted to the Church of the Big Ring. "leadeth me not into a field sprint but deliver a solo win" thank you brother Art.

Casey said...

Have to say we have never received a call to make sure our marriage is solvent. But, I think your Mom probably wouldn't be that devasted if I left the family, but she may be suicidal if Jay ever left the Matheson clan:)

Stacey Matheson said...

Don't say that Cas, you are an essential part of our family and all of our quirks. But thanks for prooving my point about the phone calls!

Jim said...

The Saturday I spent with Jay was the Saturday before he stayed away from Sunday dinner at your mom's, so at that point there was no need for suspicion. As far as being Jay's confidant, I don't know about that, but to my knowledge he is not slowly packing his bags. You're safe (for now).