Saturday, September 13, 2008

The County Fair - The after story

So we did end up going to the fair last night, but no fried PB&J was to be had.  The line was crazy when we first got there, so I figured it might die down by the end of the night, but instead it just got longer.  I did manage to find another booth that promised a fried Snickers, but he was out.  My fair food experience was not good!  Anyway, Jason had a Steak on a Roll sandwich, but strangely the quality of the steak wasn't that good, so he didn't enjoy it too much!  Weird!
We ran into the lovely Mr. and Mrs. Scott Peters, which is so weird because I have only recently been in more contact with her, and there she was!  Becca, you look so good, and in the 2 short minutes our husbands had to talk, they really seemed to get along.  Perhaps we should capitalize on this!  Strange too is the fact that Chau, Becca, Melissa, Liz and I (not really Liz, because she says she doesn't know anyone, leaving me wondering if she and Jason really went to Granger) have recently been checking out peoples blogs without their knowledge and sparked quite the gossip/shit talking sessions.  Right after running into Becca and Scott we went to the cow building, and in front of us was the couple and child that we had an entire conversation about.  How weird is that.  I haven't seen these people in 12 years, and the minute I talk shit on them, they are walking in front of me.  Huh.  It is like Opera says "what you think about you bring about" I guess!
I also forgot to mention in my last post, that one of my favorite attractions at the fair is usually seeing the Lopez boys run the Nuttles sewing machine booth.  They look so nice and chubby talking to the old women about how to quilt on their new swinger!  I think Jim enjoys this attraction too, because he and I are the only ones to comment on it every time!
I did not pay to see the giant cow this year, but we did pay to see the freak show booth.  We debated if it would be worth the $3 each, so Jim asked a guy that had just come out if he thought it was worth it.  We knew we picked the right guy when he told Jim that he was hoping that "The Human Tripod" was a man with a 3rd leg (i think you catch my drift), and was disappointed to find that it was a one legged woman.  We went in anyway, me being a little afraid of what I might see (being a border line animal rights activist), and Jim hoping that the mermaid was a live woman with her chest bared!  
Right as I always am, Jason and I got to take Morgan on the giant slide.  I went up with Morgan the first time, and she loved it so much that she wanted to try it on her own.  Izzy thought it looked like fun too, so Jason went up to make sure Morgan made it down alive, and I took Iz with me.  She hated it, and when she got back to Shelley's arms she said "lets go home where it is safe".  I think my spot as the favorite aunt is slipping!  
Another plus of the fair, Jim looked completely normal with half of his face covered in bandages and no one gave him any strange stares or second glances.  Jim, I think you found your new career as a carney.


Downhilldiva said...

FAVORITE AUNT?!?!!!! Hmmmmm. I don't know about that. Thanks for the recap though. It was good to remember why I hate the fair so much.

Unknown said...

They were seriously in front of you??? I'm cracking up.

Becca said...

We're still sOOooOooo good at shit talkin'. I only wish I could have experienced seeing them with you.