Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Boycott the Circus - PLEASE

I was reading someones blog yesterday about the circus. They were obviously taken aback by the sights and sounds and the peanuts and snow cones, so much so that common sense hadn't kicked in. They actually said that the dancing elephants were "so cute" and that they didn't know how they got the elephants to do that. Well it isn't cute when you open your eyes and realize that these animals are tortured into submission by using shock treatment, beating, dominance, bull hooks, etc. Please boycott animal circus and instead go to a human circus like Cirque de Solel, now that is entertainment.


Amy said...

I will boycott the Circus! In fact I do every year.

Downhilldiva said...

No circus for me- there are better forms of entertainment. Elephants are really smart and very emotional, they even cry. I'd rather spend the money on Bodyworlds!