Monday, September 8, 2008

Desktop Paradise

I have begun running on my lunch breaks. That is right, exercising. I bring a change of clothes and run for 30-40 minutes then change back to my work attire. Now keeping in mind that there aren't any showers available, I have a full supply of baby wipes to wipe off with (as Jim calls it "the whores shower"). I know I am not as clean as when the day started, but realistically I sit in my cubicle alone all day. No one, for any reason needs to be in my 5x6 inch space, so why should they care how I smell. For some reason, however, I have been getting strange looks from those less ambitious people at work. Quit with the looks. In a few months when I am looking thinner and they are still lumpy, who is getting the dirty looks then?

To make myself more comfortable and to help me cool down, I have brought in a little fan. It's brand is Hawaiian Breeze, and boy does it take me away! All I need now is somone feeding me grapes.


Becca said...

WHORES SHOWER?!?! That is the best quote I've heard all day. Does this Jim person have copyright on that statement? Cause I'm gonna have to start using it.

Downhilldiva said...

I'm stealing the "whore's shower" statement too. I also take the baby wipe bath after my ride to work. People have finally stopped asking me if I'm feeling well when I ride in. I usually feel better when I do but ya I'm a little sticky and my hair is bad and no make up. Oh well. I'm fighting "getting lumpy" and global warming all at the same time. Keep up the running. . . I think it's awesome!